Saturday, September 18, 2010

Third day (Friday): Byron Bay – Hervey Bay

For some reason we didn't leave early and we didn't have a fresh start... Recovering with some coffee, Red Bull and Panadol we noticed a few very pale people that we recognised from the night before but they didn't recognise us.

This was our second night in the Wicked camper-van, but the snoring was still an issue. After a few drinks we both sleep better, but we also snore more so it doesn't make a difference.

We left around 10.30 am. to start a 450 km journey to Hervey Bay and took the Tweed Valley Way, this d-tour took an extra hour but was worth it. The d-tour around Brisbane was not planned, that was caused by a combination of roadworks, slow GPS and dodgy drivers.

We had to do another (little) emergency repair, the oil light switched on but a top-up with some oil fixed that. No, we couldn't be bothered checking the oil level. Light off means fixed.

We were hoping to find a second Byron Bay, but Hervey Bay is a bit tame with families and grey nomads. After a big night and a 7 hour drive, that was cool for us.

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